B&M 1999 CoasterPoll

Now, 1998 may have seen the release of B&M Dive Machines, but 1999 was when two new coaster classes emerged from B&M. It was in 1999 that they unveiled their very first hyper coasters and floorless coasters to the world. Personally, these two classes of B&M coasters, are real winners in my book, but what about in yours?

B&M hyper coasters……

……. or B&M floorless coasters?

B&M released two new concepts in one year, which is better?

Leviathan in the 2012 GTAs CoasterPoll

The Golden Ticket Awards, or GTAs for short, are a little bit infamous regarding their selection of coasters to be in their famed “Top 10 Steel Coasters” list. Currently the ride that owns the title of “#1 Steel Coaster is Intamin’s first giga coaster Millennium Force, but is it possible that B&M’s first giga coaster will match it on this scale?

Can this…..

….compete with this?

In the 2011 GTAs Top Steel Coasters, Intamin’s Millennium Force and Bizarro take the top two spots, but right behind them, sit Nitro and Goliath, (SFOG,) also B&M Mega coasters. Can B&M’s first giga match these four amazing coasters?  How do you think Leviathan will place in the GTAs this year?

If you haven’t gotten a chance to ride Leviathan, check out this POV:

Best Intamin Launch CoasterPoll

Intamin LSM Launch coasters have been around for a bit, but the newest generation of LIMs has created such a versatile ride system, that when it comes to comparing such roller coasters, you can spot few similarities. From Maverick, (featuring a lift and a launch,) to iSpeed, (a compact 70mph launch coaster with elements that pack a punch,) to Cheetah Hunt, (a terrain coaster with not one or two, but three launches.)

But although these rides are so different, they can still be put head to head as all coasters can. Vote for your favourite below!

Leviathan: Yay or Nay

When Wonderland opened for the 2011 season, a fence appeared near Speed City Raceway, and immediately the speculation on what Wonderland had up their sleeve began. But in August, it was released that in 2012, a new B&M Giga would be premiering at the park.

Featuring a whopper 306ft lift hill, a top speed of 148km/h, and a bunch of classic elements, it is quite the coaster.

If you want to see a little more check out the official site, and my recent Leviathan Update

Now I will admit, I wasn’t thrilled when the ride was announced back in August. I was actually a little upset, (I really wanted a B&M floorless,) but as I’ve seen it rise, now I’m really looking forward to riding it, and personally I think it is an excellent addition to the park.

So what do you think?

Best “Top Coaster”

The GTA Top Four Steel Coasters are made up of Millennium Force, Bizarro, (SFNE,) and two B&M Hypers. However, the two Intamin Megas are always the top two and have been battling it out for years trying to maintain control of that desirable top spot. But out of that top four, which do you think should actually hold the title of #1 Roller Coaster?

Best Bolliger and Mabillard Sit-Down

Over the years the famed rollercoaster manufacturer B&M has had many models, and one that they have phased out of is their classic sit-down. Five were built, and all, (ok most,) of them are still popular today. They are all very good rides, and enthusiasts mark them as must rides at any park. But which actually deserves to be classified the best of what is now a piece of B&M’s history?